Blog Post 3: My Dream Job

 Hello, in this new post I will tell you about my dream job, do I have it? No. The truth is that I don't like to think about the future and I live day by day. Thinking about the future makes me anxious, so I don't plan anything. I've always thought that I wouldn't like to die old and do something for a long time, it bores me. So no, I don't have an ideal job, I would like to do many things just for the experience, especially learning trades and relating them to what I am studying.

I got into anthropology because I like archaeology, so if I get to work in this field, I'm not complaining. But the main reason to work in archaeology is because I am a curious person and I like knowledge. About skills, I think that they are never enough and that they are learned in practice. I don't mind the salary, as long as I can support myself and do what I want in that hypothetical future. I wouldn't like to stay in a fixed place, so I don't need a lot of things to live either, just enough.

Maybe tomorrow I will change my mind and find my dream job, but for the moment I have no expectations and I could do anything, as long as I can survive and learn a lot of new things.


  1. Undoubtedly, thinking about the future, being uncertain, causes great anxiety. Whatever you choose, you will be the best. Best of luck:)

  2. I think it is very enriching to have the opportunity to learn as much as possible and to have diverse experiences, especially in the trades. I wish you success!

  3. I would also like to mention archaeology, it is a very interesting and enriching profession!

  4. Thinking about the future is overwhelming :( I believe that as long as you are working on something you are motivated or passionate about, you are already doing a good job for your future !

  5. I completely understand you, my case is the same as yours, but the important thing is to have goals and know what you want to do, cheer up!


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