
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Subject I like to study

Hi everyone, this semester I took an elective subject on principles of sustainability and I liked it a lot. Since I was little I have been interested in the environment and how to contribute to its care and this subject talks about that and how to make the world a more sustainable place. I like it because of the content and because in this semester it was one of the subjects that gave me peace of mind because it was a quiet space. I learned from this subjects basic concepts about ecology and environment. Also about technologies that are based on animal or plant characteristics, such as the waterproofing of lotus flower leaves applied to clothing by emulating its composition to make it waterproof. Another of the things I learned was to identify the environmental problems that threaten the planet and how we can help mitigate them so that the environmental situation is not irreversible. Before entering the subject I didn't have high expectations because I didn't even get to see th

How Can my Major Make the World a Better

 Hello, for me it has always been important when choosing a career the social work or the contribution it can make to society. For this reason, in my former career I participated in community projects teaching music to vulnerable children, who through music broadened their view of the world and gave them tools to develop other skills. When I changed careers, I decided to study anthropology-archaeology because it covers a very broad field of study. The specialty I like, archaeology, although it works with past and present materialities, for example, can contribute to understanding the life and history of a community. Through archaeological discoveries we can learn how our ancestors lived. I would like to be an archaeologist who contributes to understanding society and work directly with people to understand a little more about where we come from, preserving sites that are important to some communities.  Archaeology allows us not to forget our past history and thus to continue advancin

Post 5: A Photo and its Story

Hi, it’s time for memories! I don’t know who took this photo, but it’s from The First National Meeting of Youth and Children’s Orchestras in Chile, which means a lot to me because I made many friends. It’s interesting because it’s one of the few photos of the complete orchestra. In 2011 the Foundation of Youth and Children´s Orchestras of Chile (FOJI) organized a national meeting with all the FOJI orchestras from the regions.  As a violinist of the Youth Orchestra of the Los Ríos Region, I was lucky enough to participate, and we were more than 1200 musicians playing at the Movistar Arena! Although at the beginning it was chaos, because it’s not easy to organize such a big orchestra, it was possible to achieve it and it was really very entertaining. I like this photo because it’s one of the nice memories I have of the musical environment and because I participated for many years in the FOJI orchestras.