My autobiography

 Hi, my name is Javiera Ortega. I was born on august 29, 1994 in Santiago,  Chile.  When I was 3 years old, my family moved to the south, specifically to Los Lagos, Valdivia. I did my elementary education at Escuela Francia, Los Lagos. Then, I attended my high school at Colegio María Auxiliadora in Valdivia. When I graduated, I began to study violin at  the conservatory of Universidad Austral de Chile, but I am  currently studying antropology and archaeology at Universidad de Chile. 

Now, I live in Santiago , but my family lives in Los Lagos. Sometimes I miss them, Soon I will travel to visit my family. 

About me, I am vegan and I like to cook. Also I like read and play with Oddie, my dog. It´s a happy dog. 


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