
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Time travel!

 Hello, this new post is about time travel. Personally, I find it fascinating to be able to travel in time, I like time travel movies and all the theories that are raised about these trips. As a child I watched the "Back to the future" saga many times because they are my dad's favorite movies and I was amazed every time they traveled in DeLorean. However, time travel is not something I have thought about until now. As I explained in the previous post, I prefer to live day by day and not think too much about the future or the past. But since we have to write about this, I would say that I would travel back in time to 1876 to meet Brahms and his friend Clara Schumann. I would like to go because he is my favorite composer and it would be interesting to hear his work played by him. Also, to discover the intent of the letters he sent to Clara, a pianist friend with whom he was very close. If I were to travel into the future, I would like to reach a time when I have a stable si

Blog Post 3: My Dream Job

 Hello, in this new post I will tell you about my dream job, do I have it? No. The truth is that I don't like to think about the future and I live day by day. Thinking about the future makes me anxious, so I don't plan anything. I've always thought that I wouldn't like to die old and do something for a long time, it bores me. So no, I don't have an ideal job, I would like to do many things just for the experience, especially learning trades and relating them to what I am studying. I got into anthropology because I like archaeology, so if I get to work in this field, I'm not complaining. But the main reason to work in archaeology is because I am a curious person and I like knowledge. About skills, I think that they are never enough and that they are learned in practice. I don't mind the salary, as long as I can support myself and do what I want in that hypothetical future. I wouldn't like to stay in a fixed place, so I don't need a lot of things to li