
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2022

Blog 1 : A country I would like to visit

Hi, in  my first blog I going talk about  Italy. Is a very visited country especially cities such as Rome, Venice, Florence, but  I would like to visit especifically by Cremona. because is the cradle city of luthiery and I like fretted stringed instruments. It was the hometown of Antoni Stradivari, a famous violin maker. Also, it was the hometown of Giuseppe Guarneri, other famous violin maker.  Is a city I would like visit luthiere workshops and Museo del Violino. Also, I would like walking through the streets and seeing the architecture. I would like to go to a baroque music concert in a church, because is the best place  for this type of music. A long time ago, I thought to work as luthiery,  but in Chile is so expensive. I learned things  as a luthier  apprentice, but I had to leaving, so I would like to maker a violin and I would love to do it in Cremona.