
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

Post 4: Chickpeas, so delicius!

  Hi everyone!! Today I’m going to talk about a food I like.   I don’t really have a favourite food, but I like legumes very much especially chickpeas.   I soak them night before to activate them. Sometimes I grind them raw to make falafel which a croquette usually made of chickpeas, onion, parsley, coriander, garlic and spices. When I boil them, I can make stew, curry, hummus, chips, even pastries such as cakes, brownies and biscuits. If I don’t make them stew, the cooking water is never wasted, that’s called aquafaba and can even be used to make meringue or mayonnaise. Chickpeas can even be made into flour and can be used to replace eggs in preparations such as vegetable pancakes. I don’t eat meat, so I really like the fact that chickpeas are so versatile and can be used in all kinds of preparations. I think they are good for my health because they are a good source of protein in my diet.